Thursday, 9 August 2012

Enjoy a fantastic date with a guy

Did you recently enjoy a fantastic date with a guy? You had simply loved the date and showed some sort of inclination for him, right? But the worst part was that he simply disappeared after the date and now you are wondering how to get him back? If your answer is “yes” then it’s time for some actions lady! Most women are really emotional and thus often wrap all their dreams and desires with just one guy. So when this “one guy” is unavailable or he disappears then she starts to face lots of problems. A survey suggest that out of every 10 women who date 7 start liking the guy right from the first few dates and thus they find it really hard to detach from them. Out of these 7 who develop liking for the guy, 4 pretend not to like the guy whereas the other 3 even drop hints about their liking. So just chill and follow these steps while you are using an Asian dating site.

The three easy steps for dating men online and getting him back are:

  • I might sound rude or funny but the first important step is do not call him or establish any contact: try acting pricey and just don’t call him again and again. This may end up upsetting him and fetch you serious consequences.

  • Trace out where is planning to hit a party or going for an outing for movie, dinner or clubbing. He may be on his date or so. When you are pretty sure about his schedule of visit. Take a handsome friend (male) along and reach there either half an hour early or later than his scheduled time. Ignore him and pretend being concerned only about your friend. Take a seat near to his. You actually have to pretend that your friend is your date and your male friend has to pretend that he has fallen in love with you right in the first date. This will grab your guy’s attention and when he sees that a guy is flattered on you he will start reviving his love / liking for you. This is a crucial step and needs extra caution. Don’t look at him or overact. You two should laugh a lot!

  • After this meeting he will call you but don’t pick his first two calls and answer or call later. Then try a chilled conversation. But never refer that male friend as your boyfriend. Gradually try eroding this friends element and carry on your talk!
So now you have him back but at any cost don’t reveal this secret to him!

1 comment:

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